Monday, May 18, 2009

international day

Last saturday was an international day in Reykjavík!
My dearest aunt gathered the russians around that morning 
and I brought my little sister and my friend with me!
It was so much fun and so inspiring to!
Seeing all these amazing costumes from all the world in one day :-)

We shouted and danced and sung russian songs!
It was funny how we got many attention because 
we sung so much and danced and everybody paid attention to what we were doing
and though we didn't have any of our amazing russian costumes with us (too bad cause they are so beautiful!)
and there weren't a lot of us.


Me and Tatíana outside cafe Babalú
I found this russian styled dress with flowers all over it(from a family friend from Russia!)
it fitted well into the parade and I liked it very much!
so obviously I'm going to where it more now days!

But now days I'm falling in love with theses long classic dresses.
Though of course there need to be colors cause I'm not going to where anything black this summer!
Mabe at some fancy spancy evenings but .. 


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